#5 The sisters by James Joyce (Dubliners 1)

The sisters  by James Joyce

rating : 6.5/10

In this novel, James Joyce pointed to details and suggestions, but never completed the puzzle. The ambiguity enabled readers to imagine about the possible interpretation, but I felt that it was hard to conclude the story. As "paralysis" is the main idea of this novel, I focused on the meaning of "paralysis" in this novel. From the description "subconsciousness toward the catholic", we can postulate the power of the catholic was predominant at that time. Moreover, I found several descriptions pointing out the corruption of the catholic like "rusty bicycle - pump" and "yellowing." Putting these estimations together, I concluded that priest was sexually oppressed at the time, so he and the young girl had an inappropriate relationship.

I thought that author used the word "paralysis" to criticize that Ireland was unable to move and lacked the developing process due to the corruption of catholic. I viewed the story in cultural and sexual lenses, but there were other persuasive perspectives. I wanted to analyze this story in authorial and feministic lenses next time. 


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