#1 A Sound of Thunder, By Ray Bradbury (1952)

A Sound of Thunder, By Ray Bradbury (1952)

Rating: 7.3/10

I've always imagined what would happen if I travel to the past and kill Kim Ilsung. Wouldn't the Korea War have happened? Wouldn't Korea have been divided into two? 

The main story of this novel was about time travel. Time travel is already an old paradigm, and it is thought that all different types of the story about time travel have come out, but it is nevertheless interesting. Particularly, it is more dramatic to go to the past than to go to the future. Going to the future is considered tantamount to moving into the fantasy world. Whatever one does in the future has nothing to do with one's present. Moreover, we are still moving to the future right now. However, going to the past is related to the act of changing history. And by doing something there, the protagonist can become a "God" who can influence the present. This obvious catharsis was surprisingly intense. 

  Although entire story was entertaining, it was hard for me to find the main character. Eckels seemed to be the main character in this story, but there was a lack of descriptions of Eckels’ emotions and thoughts, distracting my concentration as I read the novel. (200 words)


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