#3 The Lady With the Dog, By Anton Chekhov

The Lady With the Dog, By Anton Chekhov

➤ Gurov, Anna (A lady with the dog)

rating : 6.8/ 10

  Gurov is an unlikeable character. He disposed me, while I was reading the story. Dmitri Dmitiritch Gurov was a man who loved women and pursues young life, although he was under forty, having twelve years old daughter. He went to Yelta which is known as a place where people travel to meet their love. He met a lady with the dog, Anna Sergyevna and they turned into couple. 

 I thought this story was just about adultery; however, after I read it twice I realized that author criticized attitudes of the men toward women. For instance, after Gurov and Anna shared their love, Anna started to cry because she felt guilty of her irrational decision to be with Gurov. Ignoring Anna, Gurov devoured watermelon. He considered Anna as a tool to satisfy his desire. Moreover, although he was fell in love with Anna, he said she was pathetic, feeling a negative impression toward her. I could find out that all Gurov’s behaviors were calculated acts; nothing was based on his true love. Finally, at the end of the story he seemed to ignore Anna’s comments. 

 Chekhov criticized the perspective toward women. Because feminism is a heavy topic, It was uncomfortable while reading the story. However, I loved his direct description and his story development. So, I gave 6.8/10 for this story.


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